Comments on: Contact On folk and folk Sun, 01 Mar 2015 02:28:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Sun, 01 Mar 2015 02:28:37 +0000 In reply to Sally Alexander.

In the early days of 1972 when we met at the Phonogram Offices in Cashel Street, you managed to hold the interests of Philips’ artists as paramount. Thank you for your friendship, Sally. Universal has decided to digitise and re-release “Country Lady” and it will become available in a couple of months.

By: Chris Tue, 08 Jan 2013 07:30:29 +0000 Have just completed six years in the Middle East. I have experienced so many tantalising and perplexing changes during this time and in future there may be a few more posts to pick up where I left off. It’s a long time since the last entry. But worlds continue to collide and I’ve caught up with some significant family, friends and people from the past. They, thankfully, remain engaged in music. This is what brought most of us together and is a really uniting compass. With globalisation the world can at times be rudderless as we tumble and pitch from continent to continent. Takes little more than an eyeblink to move thousands of miles. Once there we tend to build alternative life styles and either exist or embed and remain. I might have posted as me but have put this in the ‘leave a comment’ box just in case!

By: Sally Alexander Tue, 31 Jan 2012 05:06:58 +0000 My Dear Friend,

How long has it been? I have thought of you so often, and want you to know you were always a special person in my life. I have tried to track you down in Our EQ ravaged city directory…but cannot find you… so have turned to Prospero’s Book of Magic aka my MAC , hoping this will find you.

I will be eighty in March and the last time I saw you was at my seventieth party in Hanmer.I am so wanting to establish even a transitory contact BEFORE I GET TOO OLD! (AND FORGET EVEN MORE OF MY PAAAAAST!)

With love

Sally Alexander
